Pro-Nox Specialist

Revital-AZ Medical Spa & Laser Center
Laser & Medical Spa located in Carefree/Scottsdale, AZ
If you’re concerned about discomfort during any medical aesthetic procedure, the Pro-NoxⓇ nitrous oxide delivery system offers a solution. At Revital-AZ Medical Spa & Laser Center in Carefree/Scottsdale, Arizona, Mark Biliack, MD, offers this advanced system to help make treatments more comfortable and less stressful. Learn more about Pro-Nox during your consultation, which you can book online or by phone today.
Pro-Nox Q & A
What is Pro-Nox?
Pro-Nox is an anti-pain solution at Revital-AZ Medical Spa & Laser Center that doesn’t require needles or prescription pharmaceuticals. The power of Pro-Nox lies in nitrous oxide, the same “laughing gas” you may be familiar with from dental care.
It’s normal to have some anxiety about aesthetic treatments. Advancements in medical aesthetic technology have created powerful systems and platforms that deliver impressive results.
While there’s no cutting and no need for systemic anesthesia, laser and radiofrequency treatments and certain injectables can cause discomfort.
The Pro-Nox system allows you to achieve the level of relief that you need to navigate your treatments with ease.
How does Pro-Nox work?
The experience of Pro-Nox is similar to having nitrous oxide in the dental chair. However, the difference lies in your ability to control exactly how much pain relief you need in real time.
With Pro-Nox, you control how much gas you breathe in. If you begin to feel uncomfortable or overly anxious, you can simply increase the flow of gas using a simple handheld device.
The effects kick in within seconds, and once your procedure is over, all traces of nitrous oxide are out of your body within 5-10 minutes.
Why choose Pro-Nox over alternative pain relief options?
While you can always choose to use a topical numbing cream before your treatments at Revital-AZ Medical Spa & Laser Center, that option does nothing to reduce anxiety.
If you rely on pharmaceutical medications to reduce discomfort and anxiety, those drugs will remain in your system for many hours, making it unsafe for you to drive yourself home after your treatment.
There are also risks of side effects with pharmaceutical pain medications. If you aren’t used to these drugs, you could experience a negative reaction. Pro-Nox has no lingering effects and is completely eliminated from your system just moments after you stop breathing in the gas.
Ask your practitioner about the role Pro-Nox might play in your next medical aesthetic appointment. The team at Revital-AZ Medical Spa & Laser Center is proud to offer this advanced pain and anxiety relief option and will be happy to discuss whether it’s right for you.
For more on how Pro-Nox can help you feel relaxed during any aesthetic procedure. Call Revital-AZ Medical Spa & Laser Center or book an appointment using the online tool today.
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